I'm sorry to have temporarily deserted the blog. School and family obligations got to be a bit much this summer, and I've been dealing with medical stuff for a month now with no end in sight.
I'm going to try to get back on track posting weekly (maybe twice a week, depending). I've got plenty of reviews I still need to write up, but much more excitingly, I'm working with Darlene of Hourglassy on sampling a Campbell and Kate button-front shirt! Even at a 30G I have difficulty finding shirts that fit over my bust without completely obscuring my waist, and a white button up is a serious hole in my wardrobe.
My kiddo turns 1 in just two weeks. I can hardly believe that this time last year, I was crying because she wouldn't come out. It seems like so long ago, and also like it was only yesterday. (Now I cry because she is growing up so fast.)